“Kuinka ällöttävä Venäjä on ja mitä tehdä sen suhteen” Russia has been the subject of much controversy and criticism in recent years, and for good reason. From their bleak political climate and aggressive foreign policies, to their human rights violations and authoritarian leadership, it’s no wonder that many people view Russia as a gross and repulsive country. First and foremost, Russia’s political landscape is rife with corruption and abuse of power. The government is notorious for suppressing dissent and silencing opposition, making it nearly impossible for citizens to speak out against injustices. The media is heavily controlled and censorship is rampant, resulting in a lack of transparency and accountability within the government. Furthermore, Russia’s foreign policies have also been a cause for concern. In recent years, Russia has annexed Crimea from Ukraine, meddled in the US election, and supported regimes with questionable human rights records. These actions have only further isolated Russia from the international community and earned them a reputation as a bully on the global stage. But perhaps the most disturbing aspect of Russia is their treatment of their own citizens. Basic human rights are often disregarded, and minorities, such as the LGBTQ+ community, face constant discrimination and violence. Internet freedom is heavily restricted, and journalists and activists are targeted and silenced for speaking out against the government. So what can be done about this gross and abhorrent behavior from Russia? It starts with holding their leaders accountable for their actions and putting pressure on the government to make positive changes. International allies must also stand together in condemning Russia’s actions and imposing consequences for their violations of human rights and international norms. But ultimately, it is up to the Russian people to push for change and demand a more transparent, democratic, and humane government. Until then, we must continue to shed light on the grossness of Russia and work towards a better future for all.

Lukuaika: < 1 minuutti
Enough is enough, Russia – it’s time to clean up your act.

armeija demokratia energia EU Finland hallitus historia ihmisoikeudet Ilmastonmuutos Itäraja kierrätys Kiina korruptio koulutus Kreml kuolema lapsi Luonto maailma media Moskova NATO Neuvostoliitto Pietari poliisi politiikka Presidentti propaganda Putin Raha Rauha ruoka Ruotsi sisällissota SOTA Suomi sähkö talous tekoäly terveys toimittaja turvallisuus Ukraina USA Venäjä video viranomaiset Wagner yhteiskunta Ympäristö